Name: Nadia Falak
Meaning (if any): First Star
Age: 18
Birthday: September 24
Appearance: She is five feet five inches. She has silver hair that reaches to her thighs, her bangs form around her face to show her most treasured feature. Her eyes they are also the same color of her hair with flecks of purple swirled in her irises. When not in her Fuku she is dressed in a pair of flared dark blue jeans with a white t-shirt and denim jacket over it that reaches to her hips.
Likes: summer days, friends, reading
Dislikes: waiting, cold weather
Hobbies: Reading, shopping,
The senshi used the last of their strength to create Nadia. She has been sent back into time to be reborn she is now searching for the Lunar Senshi.
Senshi Name: Lunar Negma
Color: Light blue and yellow
The choker, collar, and skirt are light blue, while the front and back bow, back ribbon are yellow. She does not wear a tiara. The knee length boots are light blue.
Weapon: Bow and arrows. The bow is always seen in her hands.
Celestial Arrow
She will pull the bowstring back to have a white arrow appear. Shooting it the arrow will weaken the enemy.
Sawda Arrow
Instead of a white arrow a black arrow appears. When she shoots the arrow will either kill the enemy or merely wound. Depends on the compacity of evil it has.