Moon Light


Application Results

1.)Please choose a character from the list. And if all the positions are filled, and you still want to play, e-mail me a self-made character and I'll look over them.

2.) Don't over post...thats annoying. If you don't post within a two week period and have not told me why, you will be removed and will have to re-apply.

3.) Everybody loves a little hentai, but please make a different topic.

4.) Keep swearing to a minimum.

5.)Stay in character. There will be an out-of-game forum for the OOC stuff.

6.)Here is the most common No god-moding/zippiness/munchkin. We don't need you to be a new character and "magickally" be stronger than everyone else. If you do it past my warnings, you will be booted from the RPG.

7.) No killing without permission. This does not count towards youma and minor villains.

8.) Have fun :D Be serious when need be, of course, but just have a blast with this game.